
The shock of global population decline
The shock of global population decline

the shock of global population decline

This represents around 0.1% of global deaths. If we look at the average over the past decade, approximately 45,000 people globally died from natural disasters each year.

the shock of global population decline

The number of deaths from natural disasters can be highly variable from year-to-year some years pass with very few deaths before a large disaster event claims many lives. Wildfire acres burned in the United States.Share of local governments that adopt and implement local disaster risk reduction strategies in line with national strategies.Share of US land area with unusually low winter temperatures.Share of US land area with unusually high summer temperatures.Share of US land area with unusually high annual precipitation.Share of US land area that experienced extreme one-day precipitation.Score of adoption and implementation of national strategies for managing disaster risk.Rate of deaths and missing persons due to natural disasters.Precipitation anomaly in the United States.Power Dissipation Index (PDI) of North Atlantic cyclones.People displaced internally by natural disasters.Number of wildfires in the United States.Number of significant volcanic eruptions.Number of recorded natural disaster events.Number of local governments that adopt disaster risk reduction strategies.Number of known significant earthquakes.

the shock of global population decline

  • Number of deaths from volcanic eruptions.
  • Number of deaths from natural disasters by type.
  • Number of deaths from natural disasters.
  • Number left homeless from natural disasters.
  • News coverage of disasters, by continent.
  • Near-Earth asteroids discovered over time.
  • Largest confirmed impact craters on Earth by diameter.
  • Hurricane landfalls in the United States.
  • How many deaths does it take for a disaster to receive news coverage?.
  • How many deaths does it take for a disaster in different continents to receive news coverage?.
  • Global weather disaster losses as a share of GDP.
  • Global reported natural disasters by type.
  • Global number affected by natural disasters.
  • Global economic losses from disasters as a share of GDP.
  • Global disaster losses as a share of GDP.
  • Global damage costs from natural disasters.
  • Fatality rates in the US due to weather events.
  • Fatality rates due to lightning in the US.
  • Economic damage by natural disaster type.
  • Direct economic loss attributed to disasters.
  • Direct disaster economic loss as a share of GDP.
  • Decadal average: Number of deaths from natural disasters.
  • Decadal average: Death rates from natural disasters.
  • Deaths from natural disasters as a share of total deaths.
  • Death rate from natural disasters IHME, crude.
  • Death rate from natural disasters IHME, age-standardized.
  • Average acres burned per wildfire in the United States.
  • Annual Heat Wave Index in the United States.
  • Adoption and implementation of policies to reduce disaster risk.
  • Accumulated cyclone energy of North Atlantic hurricanes.

  • The shock of global population decline