
Sinsajo book
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"But being the Mockingjay comes with a price as Katniss must come to terms with how much of her own humanity and sanity she can willingly sacrifice for the cause, her friends, and her family. "The indelible conclusion to Suzanne Collins' Hunger Games trilogy proves once more that the greatest fantasy novels hold an incandescent mirror up to reality." Children forced to kill children? It's not just in the pages of a novel."

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Look skeptically at computer and television images, it suggests, be aware of spin, gaze upon the young faces of the world's soldiers. "This dystopic-fantasy series, which began in 2008, has had such tremendous crossover appeal that teens and parents may discover themselves vying for - and talking about - the family copy of "Mockingjay." And there's much to talk about because this powerful novel pierces cheery complacency like a Katniss-launched arrow. That there is still a human spirit that yearns for good is the book's primrose of hope."

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Yet readers will instinctively understand what Katniss knows in her soul, that war mixes all the slogans and justifications, the deceptions and plans, the causes and ideals into an unsavory stew whose taste brings madness.

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There's nothing didactic here, and sometimes the rush of events even obscures what message there is. But more ambitious is the way she brings readers to questions and conclusions about war throughout the story.

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"Collins does several things brilliantly, not the least of which is to provide heart-stopping chapter endings that turn events on their heads and then twist them once more. "At its best the trilogy channels the political passion of "1984," the memorable violence of "A Clockwork Orange," the imaginative ambience of "The Chronicles of Narnia" and the detailed inventiveness of "Harry Potter." The specifics of the dystopian universe, and the fabulous pacing of the complicated plot, give the books their strange, dark charisma."

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